Energy Business Motion

2022 annual results


Annual report is now available

HUPX spot markets closed outstanding year in 2022, topped with numerous records.

HUPX’s Day-ahead Market reached 27 859 GWh total traded volume in 2022, which means a -3% decrease compared to the 27 859 GWh realized in 2021. The Core Flow-Based Market Coupling, which started on 8th June 2022 was an important milestone for the regional spot electricity market and it had significant impact on regional flows and traded volumes. The most successful month in the Day-ahead segment was February when it achieved record highs with a monthly volume of 2 759.91 GWh and with the daily traded volume of 115.367 GWh on 17th February.

HUPX experienced an outstanding increase in traded volumes on its Intraday Market in 2022. This was supported by one of the largest developments of the year: SIDC (European Single Intraday Coupling (formerly known as XBID) succesful fourth wave go-live on 29th November. Intraday trading has been extended across 25 countries coupled through SIDC with the integration of Greece and Slovakia. On the Intraday Market a total of 4 319 GWh was traded in 2022, meaning a +71% volume increase compared to the 2 529 GWh realized in 2021. The intraday segment produced its highest month in May, as both monthly (412.984 GWh) and daily records were produced on 11 May with 21.432 GWh traded.

The exchange also welcomed 8 new members on the intraday market, while on the day-ahead market 9 new members were admitted in 2022.

For more details check our 2022 Annual Report here:

Monthly and annual reports - HUPX

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