Energy Business Motion

Next auction

Next auction: 21 August 2024, Wednesday (10:00 – 14:00 CET)

GO and EUR Collateral reception timeframe: 12-16. July  (Monday – Friday)

Useful readings:

HUPX – Veyt GO price benchmarks:

Prices are available for HUPX GO Members via email circulation on the day before each HUPX GO Auction. For this report, price benchmarks are calculated for three different technologies, and they represent a pan-European indication. The sole purpose of this data circulation is to support the participation of HUPX GO Members on HUPX GO Auctions. HUPX is not liable for any use or misuse of the listed prices in line with the HUPX GO Rules and Regulations.

Data is prepared in cooperation with Veyt AS. Closing prices are calculated at the end of each day and represent the last recorded transaction of Veyt data partners before the end of business. In case of insufficient transaction data due to low activity in the market, the closing price is the average of the bid and ask price quotations that Veyt receives from data partners, such as traders and brokers.

Results of the previous pan-European GO auctions:

Auction date Sell side offered quantity (MWh) Total buy side order quantity (MWh) Offered quantity from AIB GO traded quantity (MWh) Volume weighted average price (EUR/MWh)
16 July 2024 884 637 3 345 823 HU 640 216 0.79
18 June 2024 845 931 3 327 327 HU, HR 495 858 0.96
21 May 2024 700 131 2 773 515 HU, FR 393 946 0.74
16 April 2024 397 285 2 038 285 HU, ES, SE, FR, IT 328 549 1.28
19 March 2024 388 270 1 903 129 HU, HR 240 326 0.63
20 February 2024 496 996 1 750 203 HU 378 989 1.04
16 January 2024 323 091 1 374 294 HU, HR, CZ, FR, ES 154 361 1.78
19 December 2023 615 416 1 581 776 HU 596 968 3.10
21 November 2023 541 048 1 521 241 HU 424 402 3.44
17 October 2023 600 305 1 084 348 HU, HR 475 122 3.50
19 September 2023 692 323 1 151 056 HU, HR 515 740 4.83
22 August 2023 490 549 1 286 614 HU, HR 404 129 5.09
18 July 2023 323 103 1 143 921 HU 311 533 6.08
20 June 2023 321 730 1 042 824 HU, FI, FR 280 555 6.47
23 May 2023 208 797 505 679 HU, LV, IT 201 385 7.34
18 April 2023 158 275 784 674 HU, IT, SE 129 107 7.56
21 March 2023 111 921 655 365 HU 103 709 7.07
21 February 2023 203 916 974 563 ES, FI, HR, HU 99 579 5.97
17 January 2023 171 907 1 240 107 HU 171 671 7.49
20 December 2022 406 072 1 342 926 FR, HR, HU 208 563 6.35
22 November 2022 464 356 693 955 FR, HU 289 967 8.16
18 October 2022 869 349 1 973 914 FR, HU 358 902 5.24
20 September 2022 2 302 681 2 484 887 FR, HU, NO, SE 927 499 3.73
14 June 2022 679 278 N/A HU 509 224 1.85


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