Energy Business Motion

Publication of contracts according to the CACM Regulation and the Algorithm Methodology


Contracts according to the CACM Regulation and the Algorithm Methodology are published.

According to the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management (CACM) in accordance with Article 82(1) and to the article 20.7 of the Algorithm Methodology as approved by Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), all Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) shall in coordination with Transmission System Operators (TSOs) publish the relevant parts of the operational contracts, operational procedures, change control procedures, monitoring procedures, fallback procedures and back-up procedures.

All the available documents have been published on the NEMO Committee and ENTSOE website on 1st September 2020 and will be continuously updated, as required by the CACM Regulation and the Algorithm Methodology for the sake of transparency.

Link to the SDAC contract and procedures

Link to the SIDC contract and procedures

Press Release of publication of contracts according to the CACM Regulation and the Algorithm Methodology


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