Energy Business Motion

Core FB MC Market Design is finalised for implementation


Flow-Based Market Coupling to be implemented in the Core Capacity Calculation Region

Vienna, Brussel, Zagreb, Prague, Paris, Berlin, Budapest, Luxemburg, Amsterdam, Warsaw, Bucharest, Bratislava, Ljubljana

17 April 2019

According to article 20 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management (CACM Regulation), a Flow-Based market coupling for the day-ahead timeframe has to be implemented in the Core capacity calculation region (Core CCR). The project parties involved in the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project have finalised the Market Design for Implementation. The current planning foresees the go-live of Flow-Based Market Coupling in the Core CCR in Q4 2020.

Flow-Based Market Coupling is currently deployed within the Single Day-Ahead Coupling across Central Western Europe (CWE) covering Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxemburg and the Netherlands.

With the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project, all borders of the Core CCR will be coupled based on a Flow-Based capacity calculation methodology developed in the framework of the CACM Regulation.


About the Flow-Based Market Coupling project in Core

The Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project promotes the development and implementation of a Flow-Based day-ahead market coupling across the whole Core capacity calculation region (Core CCR) in the framework of the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC). The Core CCR consists of the bidding zone borders between the following EU Member States’ bidding zones: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.