Energy Business Motion

The Power and Gas Futures products are now available on HUDEX


With the entry into force of MiFID II. regulation, the first Hungarian financial energy exchange, HUDEX was also launched successfully on the 3rd of January 2018. Physical futures products traded so far on HUPX and CEEGEX PhF markets are available on HUDEX from that date. The new member of HUPX Group supports the group’s primary objective to provide reference price and to maintain the leading position in the Balkan region. 

Operation of the new market started seamlessly with 24 members and altogether 30 members are expected to trade on the platform by the end of January. HUPX Group will make every effort to ensure constant developments for its liquidity in the future as well: for this purpose, HUDEX is working on developing new energy products for the Balkan and the Hungarian markets and looking to further develop its clearing registration services for OTC trades.  


  • ID, DAM, Futures Power & Gas products available within one company group, discounts for being a member on all
  • Both Hungarian Power and Gas contracts available with one HUDEX membership
  • Financial trading with optional physical delivery for Power Products, physical delivery for Gas Products
  • Over 30 trading participants (power + gas) – including local / regional trading companies
  • No transaction fee as an initiator
  • Growing liquidity and market maker
  • Cleared by ECC and KELER
  • Elimination of Counterparty Risk
  •  Anonym Market

Bids can be placed on the platform of Trayport GlobalVision, while the European Commodity Clearing AG (ECC) remained the Clearing House for electricity traded products, and KELER CCP Ltd. continues providing the clearing services for natural gas trading. Day Ahead and Intraday power products will still be available on HUPX, while spot gas products on CEEGEX.




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