Energy Business Motion

Trader exam 19.07.2018


Dear Partners, We would like to inform you that the next HUPX Spot, CEEGEX Spot and HUDEX Trader exam will be held on the 19th July 2018 in Budapest.

  • HUPX SPOT Trader Training and Exam (Intraday + Day ahead)
  • CEEGEX SPOT Trader Training and Exam
  • HUDEX Futures Market Trader Training and Exam

Please note that HUPX SPOT Trader Certificate is valid for trading on HUPX Intraday Market and on HUPX Day-ahead Market both.

Traders who previously obtained an EPEX Spot Certificate are authorized to trade on HUPX Spot market.

In case you are interested, please contact us at

Information about the prices can be found on our website:

CEEGEX Trader Training & Exam Fees

HUPX Trader Training & Exam Fees

HUDEX Trader Training & Exam Fees

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,


HUPX Group