Energy Business Motion

Weekly data

Baseload Sun 21/07 Mon 22/07 Tue 23/07 Wed 24/07 Thu 25/07 Fri 26/07 Sat 27/07 Sun 28/07
Prices (EUR/MWh) 88.70 120.45 123.07 75.01 197.44 104.26 92.79 68.14
Volumes (MWh) 77,702.8 90,360.8 99,652.9 96,844.5 85,824.2 87,514.4 84,802.1 83,050.7
Peakload Sun 21/07 Mon 22/07 Tue 23/07 Wed 24/07 Thu 25/07 Fri 26/07 Sat 27/07 Sun 28/07
Prices (EUR/MWh) 41.80 90.34 90.45 46.63 160.54 91.41 70.13 30.06
Volumes (MWh) 39,583.5 49,130.3 52,266.9 50,019.5 45,348.7 46,146.0 46,935.1 44,746.9
Blocks Sun 21/07 Mon 22/07 Tue 23/07 Wed 24/07 Thu 25/07 Fri 26/07 Sat 27/07 Sun 28/07
01-08 (Off-Peak 1) 113.58 111.17 106.76 93.37 148.64 89.90 91.79 94.66
21-24 (Off-Peak 2) 179.66 229.34 253.57 123.43 405.74 171.57 162.78 129.38
01-04 (Middle Night) 134.16 101.84 109.37 93.29 150.20 82.60 98.16 105.68
01-06 (Night) 126.13 100.05 104.62 86.35 135.01 82.77 95.50 100.42
05-08 (Early Morning) 93.00 120.49 104.16 93.46 147.07 97.21 85.42 83.64
07-10 (Morning) 51.59 123.86 104.09 94.66 150.73 104.95 76.72 46.33
09-12 (Late Morning) 13.55 82.74 72.98 49.47 83.53 91.27 61.40 7.45
09-16 (Business) 6.60 64.34 57.17 22.06 84.30 77.58 43.14 0.15
11-14 (High Noon) -0.19 54.50 43.49 9.08 60.87 74.72 36.44 -3.69
13-16 (Early Afternoon) -0.35 45.94 41.37 -5.35 85.08 63.89 24.88 -7.16
15-18 (Afternoon) 39.27 67.45 71.08 34.62 140.51 74.23 60.25 32.71
17-20 (Rush Hour) 112.20 142.34 157.00 95.77 313.01 119.07 124.10 89.87
19-24 (Evening) 168.23 217.87 241.90 121.45 420.00 165.02 160.04 121.93
Hourly prices and volumes
Hours Sun 21/07 Mon 22/07 Tue 23/07 Wed 24/07 Thu 25/07 Fri 26/07 Sat 27/07 Sun 28/07
H1 EUR/MWh 133.41 114.54 135.62 101.85 250.39 99.95 108.05 123.68
MWh 3,062.1 2,899.6 3,681.3 3,818.7 3,186.8 3,521.0 3,374.8 3,141.6
H2 EUR/MWh 147.05 102.10 115.62 96.87 131.96 73.62 99.61 100.22
MWh 2,995.4 2,935.3 3,513.5 3,715.5 3,096.4 3,210.0 3,101.4 2,997.2
H3 EUR/MWh 132.80 95.84 96.68 95.36 114.45 76.78 93.74 100.69
MWh 2,935.1 2,925.0 3,461.3 3,506.5 3,000.3 3,136.8 3,012.4 2,919.7
H4 EUR/MWh 123.37 94.89 89.55 79.06 104.00 80.05 91.23 98.12
MWh 2,925.8 2,881.2 3,425.5 3,565.5 2,977.8 3,135.0 2,977.4 2,888.5
H5 EUR/MWh 119.86 95.00 94.54 72.14 101.70 78.75 91.10 92.77
MWh 2,926.3 2,876.1 3,459.5 3,506.5 2,902.8 3,111.0 2,893.7 2,764.9
H6 EUR/MWh 100.29 97.90 95.72 72.79 107.58 87.49 89.29 87.01
MWh 3,001.0 2,914.6 3,625.6 3,584.5 2,990.9 3,071.3 2,842.4 2,727.4
H7 EUR/MWh 83.02 140.01 104.79 109.63 168.98 110.20 83.20 87.57
MWh 2,982.7 3,284.5 3,969.9 3,854.2 3,339.7 3,292.1 2,796.6 2,656.8
H8 EUR/MWh 68.81 149.05 121.58 119.26 210.03 112.38 78.07 67.20
MWh 2,931.7 3,574.8 4,003.7 4,025.3 3,370.4 3,101.4 2,741.2 2,687.7
H9 EUR/MWh 46.12 129.52 112.85 87.36 144.17 101.58 80.72 25.49
MWh 2,920.7 3,698.9 3,918.5 3,963.3 3,290.3 3,038.1 2,926.5 2,912.2
H10 EUR/MWh 8.42 76.87 77.15 62.40 79.74 95.65 64.90 5.06
MWh 3,019.9 3,696.7 3,809.6 3,876.6 3,318.6 3,360.6 3,642.0 3,450.5
H11 EUR/MWh -0.17 61.82 56.00 43.04 55.08 89.15 60.07 0.00
MWh 2,953.9 3,692.7 3,824.0 3,729.2 3,618.8 3,901.7 4,176.0 3,693.2
H12 EUR/MWh -0.16 62.73 45.92 5.07 55.13 78.68 39.90 -0.74
MWh 2,972.8 3,793.2 3,904.6 3,859.7 3,765.8 4,175.6 4,480.9 3,665.9
H13 EUR/MWh -0.15 51.90 34.28 0.09 54.59 69.54 28.00 -0.08
MWh 3,028.8 3,853.6 4,080.0 3,951.5 3,795.3 4,182.5 4,505.3 3,820.8
H14 EUR/MWh -0.29 41.53 37.75 -11.90 78.67 61.52 17.80 -13.95
MWh 3,049.4 3,937.0 4,190.2 4,039.8 3,768.7 4,079.9 4,490.5 3,686.1
H15 EUR/MWh -0.56 47.12 41.41 -19.65 99.62 58.42 17.92 -16.92
MWh 3,204.4 4,091.2 4,405.7 4,119.6 3,735.7 3,866.9 4,250.0 3,683.9
H16 EUR/MWh -0.41 43.22 52.03 10.06 107.42 66.07 35.79 2.32
MWh 3,431.5 4,364.9 4,520.7 4,234.7 3,695.8 3,497.3 3,739.2 3,772.4
H17 EUR/MWh 68.33 23.57 85.78 90.06 155.00 71.39 81.16 64.40
MWh 3,717.8 4,532.8 4,760.6 4,323.0 3,984.8 3,771.9 3,369.9 4,048.5
H18 EUR/MWh 89.72 155.88 105.11 57.99 199.99 101.04 106.11 81.05
MWh 3,803.0 4,566.1 4,941.1 4,557.8 4,077.6 3,988.9 3,513.6 4,037.4
H19 EUR/MWh 110.63 97.34 139.27 107.27 382.75 124.19 130.29 88.82
MWh 3,594.8 4,414.8 5,075.4 4,773.9 4,221.7 4,089.9 3,888.9 4,025.5
H20 EUR/MWh 180.13 292.55 297.83 127.74 514.29 179.64 178.84 125.22
MWh 3,886.5 4,488.4 4,836.5 4,590.4 4,075.6 4,192.7 3,952.3 3,950.5
H21 EUR/MWh 262.78 340.57 512.90 141.87 578.73 265.97 216.44 148.45
MWh 3,873.0 4,478.4 4,758.1 4,595.6 4,053.4 4,107.3 3,713.4 3,895.3
H22 EUR/MWh 204.58 290.05 250.08 132.73 444.27 172.78 188.82 145.76
MWh 3,891.7 4,404.9 4,708.7 4,522.0 4,047.0 4,154.1 3,797.9 4,203.9
H23 EUR/MWh 136.87 166.26 136.76 117.63 350.00 132.56 133.34 124.52
MWh 3,386.3 4,059.2 4,479.1 4,016.8 3,820.2 3,815.6 3,349.4 3,821.1
H24 EUR/MWh 114.41 120.47 114.53 101.47 249.96 114.95 112.52 98.78
MWh 3,208.2 3,996.9 4,299.8 4,113.9 3,689.8 3,712.8 3,266.4 3,599.7

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