Energy Business Motion

Hungary’s organized guarantees of origin market has been launched


The first auction is organized today

HUPX Ltd. has successfully launched Hungary’s first organized guarantees of origin market.

In the first phase of the operation of the Hungarian GO market MAVIR, as the nominated buyer of Hungarian FiT production will be the sole seller of the related guarantees of origins via auctions, while the buyer side will start with 20 companies, who already have been admitted as founding members until the go-live date. Available technologies include volumes produced under the FiT scheme, such as: biogas, geothermal, hydro, landfill gas, solar, waste, wind.

Besides complementing the already existing bilateral transactions in Hungary, the primer role of the new organized and transparent marketplace is to provide proper price signals regarding guarantees of origins, which will support the development of the Hungarian power market and the integration of renewables. The results of the first auction will be published the website of HUPX at 16:00 CET.

More information: About the GO market - HUPX


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