Energy Business Motion


Dr. Mátyás Vajta, CEO of HUPX, as conference speaker at Energy Markets Week featuring ETCSEE

On 16th of December 2020, dr. Mátyás Vajta, CEO of HUPX, will hold a presentation with the title “Trends and perspectives in the "HUPX region" and beyond” in session 3 of ETCSEE featured by Energy Markets Week.

HUPX becoming supporting-member in HETA

On 27th of November 2020 HUPX Hungarian Power Exchange joined the Hungarian Energy Traders’ Association (HETA) as silver grade supporting-member.

HUPX’s November DAM report is available now

HUPX’s November DAM report is available now.

SIDC: Expansion of 30 and 15 minute products and Revised Local Implementation Project 14 Go-Live

The Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) involved in the European Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC – formerly XBID) are pleased to announce one year after 2nd wave go-live, the extension of the continuous intraday product suite for cross-border trading, i.e. 30 and 15 minute products will be newly available on several borders. In the meantime, Local Implementation Project 14 has revised its timeline and scope.