Energy Business Motion


HUPX and MAVIR went live successfully with XBID

On 19 November HUPX and MAVIR went live successfully with XBID, the European Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) Solution. Hungary joined as part of the 2nd wave extension of XBID alongside with six further countries and coupled with the fourteen already operational ones. The coupling process represents another important step towards expanding the single integrated European Intraday market.

Clarifications on active borders provided for XBID 2nd wave go-live

European Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) Solution and Local Implementation Projects confirm 2nd wave go-live date for 19th November with first deliveries on 20th November 2019. This confirmation follows completion of testing and preparation activities. Seven further countries to be coupled with the fourteen already operational. Clarifications on active borders...

XBID 2nd wave go-live date confirmed for November 2019

European Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) Solution and Local Implementation Projects confirm 2nd wave go-live date for November 2019. Seven further countries to be coupled with the fourteen already operational.

HUPX’s October DAM report is available now

HUPX’s October DAM report is available now