Energy Business Motion


FARCROSS: Innovative solutions to unlock barriers of cross-border trading

One of the key objectives of the European Union’s energy policies is to create a single European energy market, with harmonised regularisation, trading platforms and transparent, market-based incentives.

In order to achieve this goal, FARCROSS („FAcilitating Regional CROSS-Border Electricity Transmission through Innovation”) project was established to enhance regional electricity trading by improving cross-border interconnections.

TRINITY: A single, unified electricity market in South Eastern Europe

The implementation of a single, unified electricity market is one of the main challenges the European Union has to face. Stability in electricity supply has to be maintained even during system disturbances such as a power plant failure or the loss of a large load. Under extreme conditions, EU Member States need to be able to rely on other market players  of the neighbouring countries to meet their balancing energy needs. Although the importance of market coupling has been highlighted for a...

A new Local Implementation Project established under SIDC

The Nominated Electricity Market Operators and Transmission System Operators from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary established a new Local Implementation Project (LIP 17) to couple intraday electricity markets under Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC, formerly known as XBID project) covering borders between Slovakia – the Czech Republic, Slovakia – Hungary and Slovakia – Poland.  The Steering Committee of SIDC approved the establishment of a new LIP on July 7. The envisaged go-live...

NEMOs published CACM Annual Report 2019

NEMOs published the second CACM Annual Report from year 2019 on intraday and day-ahead coupling.